So, I'm sick. Again. I seem to catch colds very easily and I don't know how or why. I guess it might be because I work with kids sometimes, but I came down with several colds last semester and I wasn't working at the museum then. I guess I'm just rather susceptible to the common cold. Grrrr.....not fair. Maybe I should start taking Airborne or something like that.
What's frustrating is that I wanted to nip this in the bud, but apparently the medicines that can do that only work if you take them before you actually have the cold. I went to a pharmacy to pick up some Zicam, but the pharmacist told me that I shouldn't bother because it won't make any difference. That makes no sense to me, but I didn't waste my money and I'll just suffer through. I just hope I don't suffer long. Thankfully, I didn't have work or school today, so I could rest all day. Even better, Bo had the day off, so he could take care of the errands I needed to do and keep me company. I'm crossing my fingers that I feel better tomorrow. I don't have a lot to do tomorrow, so I can take it a bit easy.....just not too easy. I just don't have the time to spend another day doing nothing. I can't afford to get behind this early in the semester! So, let's just hope tomorrow I can get some work done!
What's frustrating is that I wanted to nip this in the bud, but apparently the medicines that can do that only work if you take them before you actually have the cold. I went to a pharmacy to pick up some Zicam, but the pharmacist told me that I shouldn't bother because it won't make any difference. That makes no sense to me, but I didn't waste my money and I'll just suffer through. I just hope I don't suffer long. Thankfully, I didn't have work or school today, so I could rest all day. Even better, Bo had the day off, so he could take care of the errands I needed to do and keep me company. I'm crossing my fingers that I feel better tomorrow. I don't have a lot to do tomorrow, so I can take it a bit easy.....just not too easy. I just don't have the time to spend another day doing nothing. I can't afford to get behind this early in the semester! So, let's just hope tomorrow I can get some work done!
Hope you're better by now.
Your pharmacist was right. Studies and metastudies find that Zicam and other types of zinc supplements don't help all that much with a cold once you have it. Having adequate amounts of zinc (8 mg/day for our age group) is one necessary component for the proper functioning of our immune system, but that doesn't mean more zinc will make your immune system work better than it normally does.
All you can do once you have the cold is alleviate the symptoms and let your body do the fighting. I find the following to be helpful for me when I get a cold:
-Rest and relaxation, whenever possible (naps! - love 'em)
-Fluids in the form of clear soups and broths, caffeine-free tea (also relaxing), water, and the occasional fruit juice
-Nonprescription medications such as nasal decongestants or cough suppressants that deal with the symptoms but medications with as few side effects as possible (or forego them altogether)
-Tissues and skin lotion, both good for the nose
Beyond this, there's nothing more to do except prevention, which we can talk about when you're feeling better.
Thanks Steven.
I was feeling better a while ago, but things have been kinda busy, so I haven't been able to write.
Yes, those things certainly are helpful...and I try. Work and school and such make it difficult to get the rest I need when I'm sick, but I manage the best I can.
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