Monday, November 26, 2007

My addiction

Ok, so many of you know that I love my Mac and I am a big fan of the company. Not that I'm one of those rabid Mac fans that assaults PC users in Mac v. PC chats, but I have my loyalty.

And apparently, I'm also a little addicted.

58%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

How addicted are you?
Find out here.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting into the spirit

I was talking with my mother this afternoon, like I usually do, and we started discussing all the shopping that has taken place this weekend. Neither of us understand why anyone would want to get up at 4am to go shopping. Is it really worth it? Sure, there are great sales, but there are also all those crowds and the lack of sleep. I just avoid it all. I think its ridiculous.

And to add to this ridiculousness, Mom was telling me about an ad she saw in the paper. Not only was it advertising the insanely early opening hours of the store, but it was also encouraging shoppers to get into the "Christmas Buying Spirit."

Yes, you read that correctly. The "Christmas Buying Spirit."

That just goes beyond ridiculousness. That's just sad. Whatever happened to plain old Christmas spirit? Good will towards our fellow man? Asking those questions make me sound old, but I remember when Christmas felt more Christmasy and less commercial. At least, it felt that way to me. Maybe I was just less aware of all the commercialism or maybe my family was really good at ignoring all that and they sheltered me. Whatever the reason, I'm now feeling more of the Christmas Buying Spirit all around me.

This will be the first Christmas that I don't go home to either my parent's or Bo's parents house, so that's going to make it even harder. My parents are coming down for a few days and that will help, but I'm going to try to make this season more Christmas than commercial for Bo and I. Still don't know exactly how I'm going to do that, but I know it will involve some decorating and a Christmas Tree!

Friday, November 23, 2007

More test results

Why is this so fun?

Which Sesame Street Character Are You?

You are part Big Bird. You are something of an eccentric, and not everyone always gives you credit for your inventiveness and intelligence. You may not always know everything, but people turn to you for your sound, unique logic. Plus, you have a big heart. Really big.
You are part Elmo. You are lovable and ticklish, and always inquisitive. Sometimes, though, your excitement about the world can make you seem childish, naive, and occasionally irritating to others.
Find Your Character @

Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

You are part Harry. You're a loyal and courageous friend. You'd do anything to protect the people you love, especially if it'll get you a break from class for a little while.
You are part Hermione. You're a bookworm always in search of answers. When pressed, however, you can always be counted on to put away the books and help your friends.
Find Your Character @

Which Female Action Hero Are You?

You are Princess Leia. You are down-to-earth and stick to a rigid sense of ethics. Nerds may lust over you, but everyone looks to you for your grounded logic and intellect.
Find Your Character @

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well phooey!

What do you do when something you thought was going to happen....something you were counting on, planning for and basically setting up your life around....just disappears?

I just realized that the job opportunity I thought I might have after I graduate doesn't actually exist. I really don't want to think about this right now, but I'm going to have to at some point. I'm going to have to figure out what I'm going to do and that just really sucks because I thought I had that all figured out already.

Back to the drawing board.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thank goodness for a break

So, I just finished this major assignment for my educational psychology course and turned it in yesterday morning. It was so hard!!! I got so stressed out doing it and it took me forever. Plus, I'm not a psychology student, so I'm sure it was much easier for everyone else in the class. I know I did my best, even though I dragged my feet and bitched about it the entire time, but in this case I'm not sure if my best is good enough. I mean, my work has to compare with other students who specialize in this area and I just don't think I'm good enough. I don't know anyway to make it better though. I just have to take the grade I get and live with it. I hope it doesn't mess up my final grade too much, though. So far, I have a perfect A average as a grad student and I'd really like to keep it that way.

Ok, enough whining. I'm just glad its over and now I can focus on other things. I didn't realize how stressed and preoccupied I was until after I turned it in yesterday. I felt so much better last night and I'm in a much better mood today. Sad how one assignment can throw me off my stride that much. I guess it shouldn't be such a surprise though. I know I'm a perfectionist when it comes to schoolwork.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

These are amazing!

Check out these pictures of hand paintings. They are so amazing detailed and realistic!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Not the results I thought I would get...

I don't really consider myself a princess in any way, shape or form. However, I grew up with the Disney princesses, so I couldn't resist this quiz.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are Jasmine. You are loyal and would visit the ends of the earth for what you believe. You would never let obstacles stand in the way of true love.
Find Your Character @

I didn't think I would be this Disney princess, but then, I'm not sure which one I thought I would be. If that makes any sense. *shrug*

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in New York City. America's largest city will ensure that you will blend into the crowd. You are the brooding type--introspective, creative, and eccentric--and NYC's cutting-edge, individualistic culture and ambience will appeal to you.
Find Your Character @

Again, I really don't see myself as a New Yorker. I think I'm too nice to live in New York. Then again, I'm not sure where else I should live. I'm pretty happy where I am now.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Why do I procrastinate so much? I'm a good student. I get good grades. I should know better, but I do it anyway. And of course, I always find a good excuse; I don't feel well or I'll have plenty of time later. I've been doing that for the past week on a major assignment that is due next Wednesday, and I find myself doing it while realizing, at the same time, that I'm going to pay for it later. I know its going to stress me out later if I put it off now, but I do it anyway. I think that if I understood why I did this, then maybe I could overcome it. Unfortunately, I can't figure out the rhyme or reason behind it.....if there is any.

Even this is another form of procrastination......

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Back reading

For anyone who is interested, here's some links to my old blogs. I blogged on Easyjournal for quite awhile before switching over to the Google-powered Blogger, which works much better for me since I'm addicted to Google and use it to manage my life. Its nice to have my email, calendar, news, blog, etc all under one user name and password. Which is why I switched to this new Blogger account after my name changed.

Anyway, for your reading pleasure:

A new start

Things have been so busy since the wedding this summer. I've been meaning to start up a new blog since I switched all my accounts over to my new name, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Until now. I've gotten a nifty little Firefox extension that makes it easier for me to post whenever I feel like it, without having to come to the blog website and log in and such. Of course, that really doesn't take that long, but it feels like it. Hopefully having "one click" posting access will make me more inclined to make posts.

We shall see!